Sparky watches while I grate carrots for his birthday cake.
We celebrated Sparky's third birthday on Friday. When we got him a year and a half ago he didn't have a birthday. Since I didn't need mine anymore, I gave my April birthday to him. But last year I was traveling in The Netherlands on that day, so he didn't have much of a birthday. We made up for it this year.
I was going to make a cake, using the recipe I baked often for my last dog. But the cake turned into cupcakes, which kids like more than cakes, I hear.
Blow out the candles, Sparky!
I let him lick the spoon. But he still didn't have any idea what a "birthday cake" was. (After a few birthday celebrations, my last dog knew full well what a birthday cake was. Which is why she once snatched the St Patrick's Day cupcakes we'd made the day before, for a completely different occasion. She heard "birthday" and decided to save us the trouble of making another batch for her.)
The recipe isn't vegan, as written (my dogs have never been vegan). But you could easily leave out the egg. And substitute maple syrup for the honey, unless you choose to leave out the sweetener altogether.
I'd recommend brushing your dog's teeth after a cupcake or too. Cake-like substances are the worst for sticking to teeth and gums, and it's important to establish oral health early.
Sparky waits patiently...for about three seconds...until he hears "Take it!".
But I firmly believe in a birthday cake every year for our dogs. They only live once, and that life is sometimes all too short—I realized this when I saw that the original post of this birthday cake recipe was for my dog's fourth birthday. By then, she'd already celebrated half her birthdays.
Here's the recipe again, with a few clarifications, and instructions for cupcakes (which are really more like muffins. And completely human-grade, so enjoy them yourself if you wish).
Dog Birthday Cake
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup cooking oil
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup shredded carrot
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup honey (optional)
1 egg
Preheat oven to 350F.
Mix the peanut butter and cooking oil. Add the flour and baking soda, stirring until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and mix quickly. Add a little water if needed to make a smooth batter.
Spoon batter into muffin tins (this makes six generous muffins). Bake for 15 minutes. Insert toothpick to test for doneness, although your dog won't mind if it's a little mushy. If necessary, bake for another few minutes.
If you'd prefer to make a cake, spoon batter into a greased 9-inch round cake pan and bake for 30 minutes.
Frost with soy cream cheese, or yoghurt, or cottage cheese, or go all out and put Cool Whip on top. They only live once.