The Cows of Foggy Pasture, Friday Version
I should change the name of this to Friday Fog Blogging. When I saw the fog this morning I hoped the cows would appear near the fence so I could get another shot of foggy cows. And when I saw this black and white mama cow near her all-black baby, I rushed to get my camera and a bag of apples, for enticement. She needed to be a little bit closer to the viewfinder for those lovely markings to show up.
Such is the life of a cow blogger. These opportunities don't show up often, so we must be prepared to grab them when we can. Although I must say we've had many foggy mornings lately. That thing they say about England? It's true. Gray, fog, rain, mist—English weather is the reason they make anti-depressants. Big Pharma would be a mom and pop operation if not for the depression-inducing weather of the upper Atlantic island nations.
Thank god for the cows. They make the fog so much more interesting, don't you think?