I can't believe I forgot to mention this viral video in my last post, in which I lamented Sparky's lack of 100% recall. Fenton, the flat coat retriever who chased a herd of deer in Richmond Park, has not only inspired dozens of You Tube mashups but undoubtedly many owners have vowed to teach their dogs better recall.
The last thing I want is to find myself in a viral video, shouting blasphemy at my dog while he merrily chases wildlife about the English countryside.
This morning when I let Sparky out at 6 a.m. he immediately went to the back fence and started barking—on Sunday morning, when my neighbours were surely asleep. A fox must have been nearby, but it was still dark so I couldn't see anything. And when I called Sparky—"Come! Sparky Come! Come HERE!" (I didn't invoke Jesus, since Sparky isn't particularly religious) he ignored my calls. I could have run out in my slippers, and risked stepping in poop, but instead I grabbed the whistle. Tweet Tweet!
Sparky turned and raced for the door. The fox was forgotten while I lavished Sparks with turkey pieces (the high-value reward we use strickly for the whistle recalls).
Hopefully my neighbours were able to go back to sleep.