Round and round and round they go...
Upper Thames Sailing Club in the background.
We went walking along the Thames near Bourne End yesterday. It was a gorgeous day, as you can see from the photos—it's a rare weekend we get such lovely weather. The sailboats were out in full force, practicing their maneuvers. Round and round they went, banking sharply around the orange ball, each time coming close to capsizing—then the boom (I'm guessing; I don't know sail terminology) passed over and the sailor scrambled to duck under it to the other side.
The weight of the sailor kept the boat from tilting too far, apparently. I gasped each time one turned, certain this time would result in a tumped over boat.
But no, they all survived to sail another day.Stay tuned...more photos of the same spot on Friday. Because we weren't the only ones watching the boats.