To paraphrase Katie Couric, I've got a pretty little spinal cord.
There's nothing wrong with it, the neuro told me today. No slipped disk after all. In fact, he told me he's seen 30-year-olds with worse looking spinal cords. He seemed particularly impressed with mine, in fact. (I can't wait to bring that up at the next party!)
So there goes that theory.
Instead, I've now been diagnosed with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, which is similar to a rotator cuff injury. They took x-rays to be sure, and signed me up for PT.
I have to tell you, there is nothing like hearing you have the spinal cord of a 30-year-old, six days before you turn 46. I was ready to turn cartwheels—well, not really. I could never turn a cartwheel even when I didn't have Shoulder Impingement Syndrome.
I also asked if maybe I needed to give up blogging—I've heard it can be deadly—but apparently there is no connection. So I'll carry on spending hours in front of the computer, just for you, dear readers. Fortunately I don't have to get dressed to do that, since getting dressed is what really hurts. Just look at the pictures in that link—that guy's doing all sorts of things I can't do. I don't think he really has SIS; he's just a pretty model they found.
I think I'm going to start a support group for victims of this awful disease.