As people who've known me for a while are aware, I've had my ups and downs with Bill Richardson. His campaign for governor was the first campaign I volunteered for on a very regular basis. I enjoyed the experience, got to know some great characters, and learned a lot—not always savory—about New Mexico politics.
And then some other stuff happened.
Anyway, I got to watch part of the speech where he endorsed Barack Obama today. I don't usually get to watch these things, so maybe every endorser is equally effusive, but I was touched by the warmhearted—or rather, big-hearted— way in which he stood up there and endorsed his former rival for the presidency.
I have heard Big Bill endorse a candidate before (see above), and it was nothing like that. I felt kind of embarrassed for Senator Obama, and it was clear he felt a little self-conscious too, hearing all that praise.
One thing that was clear from the remarks: It is time for Hillary Clinton to step aside. There is no upside for her in continuing this race, and only a downside for the American people. We have a great candidate, who's won fair and square. It's time to direct our fire at our Republican opponents—not just for the presidency but for the many contested House and Senate races. This presidential primary has sucked up enough oxygen.
For instance, we've got a great candidate in New Mexico's CD-1, Martin Heinrich. I'd like to throw some of my (almost worthless) American dollars—and some blog love—his way, but with a fierce battle going on for the Democratic nomination, I'm instead keeping my focus there.
And I'm getting kind of bleary-eyed.
Bill Richardson has negotiated with more than his share of bitterly divided opponents. I'm hoping he can bring the Clintons around to recognizing it's time to tell their campaign staff it's over. There's still a place for Hillary Clinton in history, but unless she brings this to a dignified end, her pages in the history book will be divided and torn.