CNN Int'l is replaying the Dem debate that took place live last night while we were asleep. So I thought I'd do some non-live debate blogging:
10:05 a.m. Why do they keep writing on those notepads? Obama especially makes use of his notepad. What does it say? Help, get me outta here?
10:06 I need a laptop! My desk is too far away from the TV!
10:07: Obama says "uh" a lot. I noticed this in the conference calls I've listened in on too. Speech lessons!
10:10: Jorge is really handsome. He should run for something so we could see more of him.
10:10: Incidently, Campbell Brown uses the Anglo pronunciation of "Univision".
10:11: I'm using paper now, and will update during the break.
10:15: I like how CNN has the question underneath the screen while the person dodges it.
10:16: That bit where Obama mentions how "all during my lifetime" and then looks at Senator Clinton, and adds, "and during her lifetime too." Is he making a point about her age?
10:something: He nailed that economic question with "plans are the same, but who can better bring it about?" That's why I voted for him.
10: something else: Hillary's eyes go slanty when she listens—not a good look for her. Is she nearsighted? I speak from experience on this issue.
10:?? All the scribbling on notepads make him look studious. Sitting down isn't good. Standing is more presidential.
10:?? Jorge again!!!!
10:35: Obama's hands are very graceful.
10:41: Good question on the fence. My dog lifts an eye, then goes back to sleep. Fences should be taken down, she says.
10:50: Standardized tests! Don't get me started!
10:55: Good response from Obama on "All hat no cattle." She laughed too.
11:00: Did he just say "Some of 'em are pretty good?" Was that in a jokey way, or an arrogant way?
11:05: Awkward comic timing on that xerox comment of hers. Whoever gave her that line needs to take a class.
11:11:08: He seems to have two different voices, one for speeches and one for everyday talking.
11:15: mandates, schmandates. Pretty good defense by both on their respective positions.
11:17: Jorge again! Give that man his own show!
11:20: Debates are actually kind of boring.
11:35: Jorge! I am basically just waiting for the next Jorge moment, I realize.
11:40: The dog tuned out some time ago:
That's it. Next time I'm getting a laptop.