Texas Monthly has a feature story this month about Jenna Bush, Girl Gone Mild, which, if you'll forgive the exaggeration, is mind blowing. She actually comes across as (swallow hard here) a humanitarian, although she's not yet threatening to unseat Jimmy Carter at the Nobel banquet. But then who would you rather have a beer with?
And speaking of...those stories of underage drinking were somewhat embellished, it turns out, though she admits to doing her share of teenage drinking. Even the foie gras incident—she says the only meat she eats is fish.
She's recently written a book about AIDS, a personal story of a 17-year old HIV-positive mother she met while working for UNICEF in Latin America. Where, by the way, she never ran naked through a hotel corridor.
Most mind blowing—err, thought provoking, is this revelation about her teenage years as the daughter of Governor Bush:
She didn’t hesitate to challenge her dad: During one dinner, she plunked her fork on her plate, told him that the death penalty was wrong, and argued that the convicted killer Karla Faye Tucker should not be executed.
I take back everything I ever said about her. Now I've got to go wipe up this gray matter that's all over my walls.