Look! Flying apples!
At last I can reveal how I manage to get all those up-close cow photos. I come to the fence armed with apples, which always brings the more bodacious members of the herd running over. (If you've never seen a fully grown bovine run, you should quit fooling around with You Tube and get out more.)
Cows don't have very good vision, so you have to toss the apples right up close, and it has to land where they can see it, right under their noses. The trick, of course, is not to actually hit them, which can be interpreted as a sign of aggression in humans. (Not really; cows are remarkably forgiving and just look at you with big googly eyes if you hit them with an apple.) (On second thought, sometimes cows do get angry.)
I cut the apples in half, which gives me twice as many apples. I hate for any of the cows to be left out, but some seem more interested in apple eating than others. I always wonder if their milk tastes like apple juice later.
In other Friday news, did you know there's a Friday Ark for animal blogging? Good thing I don't have to decide which two Friday animals I'd put on the ark; I love them all.