Knot garden at Hatfield House
Today is Mothers Day in the U.S., the first I've spent without a phone call to my mom. And this week Daughter Number One, having finished her degree in New Mexico, moved to New Jersey, where she is moving in with her boyfriend. Before she left I spoke to her on the phone. Hearing the excitement in her voice, the anticipation she felt bringing her cat to a new home, I realized that, in the same week my mom's life had ended, my daughter was entering a new phase of adulthood. One life passing, another just beginning.
The circle of life, I thought, while strains of the Lion King musical played somewhere in the background.
The knot garden above is at Hatfield House, where Elizabeth Tudor lived when she learned her sister had died and she was the new queen.
Happy Mothers Day to all the moms. The American ones, anyway—British mums were celebrated in March.