Disclaimer: I am not a veterinarian. I never took a chemistry class, and I faint at the sight of blood. I do love dogs, however.
Dear Googlers:
It seems your dogs are vomiting and, not knowing what to do, you've picked up your mouse and googled "Dog vomiting what do I do" or some such and ended up here. What you should have done is picked up the phone and called your veterinarian. Many of them have after hours services, or there may be a 24-hour emergency vet in your area. They won't mind answering your questions, and often will give limited advice over the phone, which is more than I do here. (Except when it comes to voting. I have lots of advice there.)
Dogs vomit for various reasons, and I wouldn't begin to know why or whether it's serious, nor would anyone else you'll come across online. (Christie can back me up here.) I can tell you every time I've called my vet for a similar reason they tell me to withhold food for 24 hours, so those of you googling "dog vomiting and won't eat" may need to take a strong clue from your dog. They want to EMPTY their stomachs, not fill it. (Disclaimer: I am not a vet, remember. Do not take my advice when it comes to dogs except that I recommend frequent pets and lots of love, because even if they are in pain or are sick, that makes them feel a bit better.)
But you really ought to put down the mouse and call your vet, unless it is the mouse you are worried about, in which case maybe you can hold the little guy and call your vet at the same time.