Susoz in Australia has lost her sweet dog, Harry, who was only five years old, or thereabouts. He died this past week, and she's reflected on his life on her blog, Personal Political.
Harry came to them after having lived in several homes, and naturally, had some behavioral problems. But unlike many problem dog owners, she worked on his anxiety and dominance issues and ended up with a wonderful dog.
Too often I've talked to "friends" (who don't remain friends for long) who give up their misbehaving dogs for one reason or another, without ever trying behavior modification. I wish they all could read Susoz's post.
Meanwhile, Chris celebrates Zeke's fifteenth birthday with a lovely post about picking up dog shit and the cleaning of abscesses. He calculates he and his dog have walked at least 2500 miles together.
And as he says,
Twenty-five hundred miles is not nearly enough.