Came across these totally unrelated items in my Sunday morning reading:
We have nothing to fear but Scotland:
Link: Booksquare.
To enjoy the Perception Gap we view certain institutions with a kindness born of need. Jack Abramoff, the indicted lobbyist, took Tom Delay on a golfing trip to Scotland. That looks bad, but think about it. Without that congressional junket Scotland's military ambitions might have grown unchecked. They grab an island in the North Sea, then pour across the border and sack York. Scotland had plans to invade the US, plans to install Sean Connery as Dictator, plans that fell apart when the Scots saw Tom on the back nine at St. Andrews. That junket averted war.
I suspected this was true:
Link: Independent Online Edition
London has had its dullest beginning to January since 1996, with a total of only 3.6 hours of sunlight in the first nine days of the month, barely of quarter of what would normally be expected.
Remember when someone got fired for speaking out on the war on journalists?
Link: Deaths of journalists in Iraq near Vietnam toll - Sunday Times.
According to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the Iraq war has claimed the lives of 60 reporters in two years, only six fewer than the number of journalists killed in 20 years of fighting in Vietnam.