I see U.K. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw is in Alabama with his U.S. counterpart (for now), Condi Rice. CNN reports Alabamians are puzzled as to why they should care. They'd never heard of Mr. "Shaw" and have no idea that cricket is an interminable game of sport either. The self-selecting "poll" on the CNN website reports a mere 40 percent of Americans can name the British foreign secretary, and I bet a more scientific sampling would indicate a lot fewer Americans know who the leaders of their closest ally are.
I suspect my readers are a bit better informed than most Alabamians*, though , so I'll give you all a little quiz:
1. Who is the Minister of Defence, our Donald Rumsfeld, and how do you spell "defense"?
2. Who is the Vice Prime Minister, aka Deputy Prime Minister, and why is his name Mud around here? (Hint: it has something to do with this.)
3. Who is likely to be the next Tory leader? (Half credit if you get his first name only.)
For those still stumped after Google has failed you, you can find the answer to the first question here (with proper spelling). And here's a hint to the third question.
For the overachievers, a bonus question: Who is Gordon Brown, and what blogger has a wee crush on him?
*Kathy at Birmingham Blues and Blue Gal excepted. (Is everyone in Alabama blue these days?)