In food news this week...not much on my plate, since I'm glued to the news like everyone else, waiting for indictments and bus assaults.
Cookie Jill tells us your cookies may be mistaken for bombs. Really, they're not that bad! (via Avedon)
Speaking of terrorists: Blue Gal has more about yellow cake.
Foodie says the cost of food is rising. It's still cheap in the U.S. compared to the rest of the world, and we won't even talk about petrol.
Parke Wilde has a couple of interesting tidbits (pun intended): The sponsor of the "cheeseburger bill" was unable to vote on account of he was in the hospital being treated for a heart condition. And Jamie Oliver is heading to New York, to clean up school lunches. Sorry, no more donkey bollocks for you, dears.
Here is something all vegan jetsetters must have: A vegan passport! Translates the phrase "does this contain donkey bollocks?" in 20 different languages. Or something like that.
Finally, I clicked on this LA Times article, thinking it would extol the benefits of green tea. Instead, it extolled the benefits of the Chinese economy. Nothing to do with food, but fascinating all the same.
It's just been one of those rare weeks, when food was not the first and last thing on my mind every day.
Has Cheney resigned yet?