Cutting corners, but never quality, here at WDIK:
Natalie at Philobiblon has compiled the Carnival of Feminists inaugural post. (These blog "carnivals" are popping up all over the place. For those of you not aware, they're compilations of posts on a particular subject.) High time someone did this for feminists, and Natalie deserves a place in herstory for coming up with the idea.
There's a lot to read there, all good stuff, plus she was kind enough to include my piece on Judy Miller. We thank her.
After that, check out Chris at CRN, whose amazing dog has a thing for cats. Beautiful writing, and a beautiful dog. We salute you, Zeke.
More compelling reading, posted by commenter Bryan: Brown Equals Terrorists. Click on "link one" and read about how hard it is to take photos while being brown. (My daughter, a photo student, tells me she hears stories like this all the time.)
Finally, I spent a fascinating few minutes reading Ray McGovern's piece at No Quarter this morning. Not only is Ray a good writer, with a knack for finding the compelling components in an admittedly convoluted conceit, but he's also pretty good at Connect-the-Dots. Turns out the frog marching should begin with Dick Cheney. (Still not convinced? Then read this.)
You'll be pleased to hear no more contorted constructions from me; I'm heading into London later, to attend a lecture by David Starkey on The Monarchy. I'm told to expect lots of blood, but I'm especially interested to learn the telltale signs of a monarchy about to fall.