I reported yesterday the Plame investigation was taking a serious turn, as rumors of bus throwing (and variations thereof including wolf throwing) have permeated the blogosphere, which, let's face it, is where real crimes are reported these days.
Today I read Scooter Libby is on crutches. Obviously he survived his turn under the bus, which is really no surprise considering Dick Cheney, the man who in a fit of vice presidential pique reportedly threw him under the bus, walks with a cane. (Not to mention, has survived about a dozen heart attacks.) Really, this man should be in a convalescent home instead of an undisclosed location. Has he resigned yet?
And more disturbing, bloggers are now being tossed under moving vehicles! Steve Clemons, who does some fine reporting at The Washington Note, was—get this—hit by a car yesterday. (Someone reported seeing Cheny on a Vespa nearby, but that's probably just waspish rumor. Has he resigned yet?)
Steve reports he is well, and already is back to reporting all the news in the Plame investigation. Way to climb out from under the bus, Steve! (Cute photo, too. Neck braces are all the rage these days, aren't they?)
I have decided to take precautions myself, as there are rumors of bus throwing spreading to this side of the Atlantic. (Dave reports on what sounds like a near miss.) I would hate to see the dark nether regions of a double decker, you know what I mean?
So I'm taking the train today, and veering away from any packs of wolves I happen to come across.
(Note: I was tempted to flag this story "DEVELOPING HARD" but Blogenlust tells us that's banned from the lexicon. What phrase will they ban next?!)