Some people think we shouldn't politicize the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. No blaming Bush, they say, when people are dying.
I say, why, of course we can blame Bush for Hurricane Katrina! On so many levels, too...
First, the International Herald Tribune reminds us:
The hurricane that struck Louisiana and Mississippi on Monday was nicknamed Katrina by the National Weather Service. Its real name is global warming.
We all know how George Bush and his cronies in the oil industry feel about global warming. It's right up there with evolution as the science they most like to hate.
Global warming will be responsible for more natural disasters. More natural disasters=more FEMA funding, right? Wrong, as Lean Left points out in "A Government Small Enough to Drown in a Bathtub." Quoting from WaPo:
Which makes it all the more difficult to understand why, at this moment, the country's premier agency for dealing with such events -- FEMA -- is being, in effect, systematically downgraded and all but dismantled by the Department of Homeland Security.
A small government can't possibly cope with a major city that's 80% under water.
But how much you wanna bet the insurance companies will get bailed out before the people who have lost everything? It was President Bush, remember, who decided poor people had had it easy too long, and could no longer file bankruptcy when the going got even tougher. (Thanks to AmericaBlog's Michael in NY for remembering to blame Bush yet again.)
I reminded y'all earlier why breaking levees can be laid at Bush's door.
Finally, Mad Kane nails Bush with a direct hit, so to speak, right in the funny bone.
Except, I'm not blaming Bush for staying away while New Orleans drowns. I'd like him to stay as far away as possible, in the same way I'd like a firestarter to stay away from the embers of my charred home.
If you would like to join in the blame game, please leave a comment. Anybody able to connect him with a missing white girl gets extra points.