I have a couple of daughters. If this guy would throw in a few chickens, I'd seriously consider a similar offer.
If you live in, visit, or even fly over a red state, you'll want to read Pam's excellent round up of GOP talking points. My favorite is the one about the Republicans at their convention mocking Purple Hearts. Anybody know how many soldiers have earned Purple Hearts while fighting the Republican war in Iraq?
Speaking of purple, Shane deconstructs love bites.
Shakespeare's Sister has a fan. He probably deliberately used unconventional spelling and grammar so that Shakespeare's sister could relate, since back then thay all rote like that. If he'd monitored his Bevis more carefully he'd have known she isn't really Will's sister, nor is she 500 years old. But she is a witch. (We make believe a lot here in Blogistan, only we call it sarcasm.)
WordWhammy says what I've been thinking on collateral damage. What I want to know is, which bureaucrat at the Pentagon determines whether one is a piece of collateral damage or an innocent victim? Is there some kind of Good Guy/Bad Guy lexicon guide I don't have?
Warning: the following contains spoilers for all you Potted people.
Maybe I'll do some real blogging later. I've got tons of pictures from last week, even some top secret BBC photographs I've been warned could set off a lawsuit should I publish them. I'm weighing my options. (My civil liberties so far weigh less than my Volvo.) And stay tuned for food blogging. Pizza, at least, doesn't have a legal department.