More than 50 are dead from the attacks yesterday, 22 seriously injured, and millions have returned to work as normal.
Metropolitan Police have just given a press conference, and say there are more bodies still in the King's Cross tunnel, so the number may rise. There are indications of al-Qa'eda involvement, which I guess means I'd better learn how to spell the word, and Americans might better remember who the real enemy are.
The bad guys are the ones who put those bombs on the trains, who brought the bomb on to a crowded bus full of diverted tube passengers. Whatever sociopathic minds devised such a plan are the true evil.
It didn't take a genius trained in top notch al-Qa'eda camps to figure out how to kill lots of innocent people. Just someone totally ruthless, totally dedicated to whatever twisted religious dogma proclaims murder is the ticket to Heaven.
It does take a genius to figure out how to stop them.
We don't "bring the war to them" by invading countries where they may or may not hide. We don't counter their cultist training by dropping bombs that kill many many more innocent people. We don't stop the fear our citizens live with by mocking those who want to understand the minds of terrorists in order to give rednecks another talking point.
George Bush, Tony Blair, and even Karl Rove, are not responsible for what happened yesterday. Not unless they're found with traces of explosives on their fingers. They are, however, incredibly stupid men to think their actions for the last four years have been of any use at all in stopping acts of terror.
The responsibility belongs squarely to the sociopaths who set off the bombs. If we forget this, in our desire to turn this into political capital, we're as stupid as they are.
Their stupidity, however, should be hung around their necks.