I've spent the day gardening, and am too tired to think of anything other than buttercups and mint. Fortunately other bloggists haven't let dirt gather under the nails of their blogging fingers. From my blogroll:
Lauren at Feministe talks about her ideal mate. Better reading than Cosmo.
Gena at Dogma has a new puppy! Latest pictures indicate she may be cuter than my dog.
Iddybud, who was on my blogroll a long time before I realized the blog name hadn't shown up, has a good wrap-up of John Edwards' podcast. He discusses the bankruptcy bill, among other issues. She listens to this stuff so I don't have to figure out that podcast thingy.
Shakespeare's Sister has found a post I missed at AmericaBlog: A letter from John Aravosis to Microsoft. Apparently "they messed with the wrong faggots." It's the best letter I've read in a long time. She's right; we've got his back.
Shaula at tsuredzuregusa reports that Canadian women are way ahead of American women when it comes to reproductive and economic freedom. I have daughters, and her predictions are scary.
For food nerds, Parke at U.S. Food Policy deconstructs the new Food Pyramid. I like Kathy's interpretation even better. (Why couldn't they have left this thing alone? It worked fine for me, but then, so did Clintonian economics.)
And finally, Diane at DEDSpace has been flower blogging lately, and I'm green with envy. All except my thumb.