I got into an argument with my right-wing brother one day, who said the reason we were attacked on 9/11 is because "we're free and they hate freedom." I was surprised to hear such nonsense come out of my brother's mouth, despite the fact he listens to Rush--so surprised, I couldn't respond. But now, Pat Buchanan has done it for me:
Meet the Press interview: (Via Crooks and Liars.)
BUCHANAN: The president of the United States was profoundly mistaken. He has misdiagnosed the malady. He has misdiagnosed the reason for the attack, Tim. The United States was not attacked because we are free. Bin Laden was not attacking the Bill of Rights. We were attacked because the United--over here because the United States' military and political presence is massive over there. Bin Laden in his fatwah, his statement of declaration of war on the United States, said the infidels were standing on the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia. They want us out of the Middle East. They don't care whether we have a separation of church and state.
When us liberals spout this kind of sense, we're accused of being anti-American. So I guess we need to offer Pat Buchanan political asylum here in the Blue States of America (motto: Not Just a State of Mind!). It's not a bad gig--all the Merlot you can drink, the NY Times included with your sushi order, and a courtesy Volvo.
Someone, get that man a blog!
(Many thanks to Crooks and Liars for providing much-needed video links even Mac-using expats can enjoy.)