Back from Iraq - and suddenly out on the streets |
NEW YORK – Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts are now showing up in the nation's homeless shelters.
While the numbers are still small, they're steadily rising, and raising alarms in both the homeless and veterans' communities. The concern is that these returning veterans - some of whom can't find jobs after leaving the military, others of whom are still struggling psychologically with the war - may be just the beginning of an influx of new veterans in need.
Do we really have to point out the irony here?
Okay, maybe we do. What the Bush administration says, and what it does, are not even on the same plane of existence. But you knew that.
Did you know there are lots of military men and women who know the truth about Bush? Who'd like nothing better than to serve a commander in chief who can find Iraq on a map? A CIC who knows how to pronounce "nuclear"? One who has a passing knowledge of military acronyms, like AWOL?
Or even a commander in chief who cares more about the welfare of military members than military contractors.
I heard someone say the other day she didn't support the military, painting the troops with the broad brush of partisan political gripe. I hope this attitude is isolated, but I fear it's not. With stories like Abu Ghraib and this, I'm afraid one day the tide of public opinion might turn. I've heard stories of how Vietnam vets were spit upon and ridiculed, despite the fact most of them never signed up to fight some guy named Charlie in a rice paddy far from home.
That's why I'm happy to see that Democrats Abroad UK is sponsoring a program to send care packages to troops deployed to the Middle East. We're sending cookies (known as "biscuits" here), bourbon balls (apparently they're more transportable), DVDs, books--anyone know where we can get a good deal on Kevlar?
Yes, we Democrats DO support the troops. For now, we'll send cookies. In four years, we'll restore veterans' benefits.