Sorry for the no-show yesterday. I spent the day in secret meetings with high level members of the Leftist Underground in London. (Since David Horowitz, like most other males, doesn't read girl blog, I can feel free to divulge such information.)
I'd meant to post something serious and weighty, a commentary on the news that Labour has proposed an increase in the minimum wage from £4.85 to £5.05, which no one really minds. The interesting thing is, Labour seems to have done this in order to pre-empt the Conservatives. (Do you believe that?! I live in a country where Conservatives want to raise the minimum wage!)
Instead, I've been rambling through the internets (why is it "internets" sounds friendlier than "internet," sort of like a group hug?), reading some good girl blog. You'll notice I enhanced my blogroll to better reflect the gender of the blogosphere, and to call your attention to some prime blog. Some are political, some not--I have a theory if all we think about is politics, we'll never be able to connect with voters, who, come to find out, lead actual lives! (This reminds me of the day after an intense campaign I'd been working on 24/7 came to an end, when I walked outside, blinking in the sunlight, and noticed my neighbor's trees had disappeared. Seems the pine beetles had invaded while I was preoccupied with precincts and press.)
Maybe all those cyber-thumps to the head have worked. Kevin Drum, who started all this, has been practicing some affirmative action. (I think I know how a black law student feels. "We ARE qualified, you idiots!") But for every step forward... When I read Eschaton this morning, I noticed the same old male piling-on effect, exemplified by a link to a guy who only links to other guys. (Well, 98%--I had to scroll down to the T's to find a girl blog on WWDT's blogroll, Jeralyn from Talk Left.) I bet he's a nice liberal, and he didn't look blind, but I wonder if it hurts when he bumps into all those women he can't seem to see?
I'll admit, when I first started blogging, I mostly read and linked to male blog too, simply because that was where the links led. But Kevin et. al. have been at this for a long time, whereas I'm just celebrating the end of my 30-day free TypePad trial. And yet I still see more pictures of these guy's cats on their blogs than links to women. If they don't know where the women bloggers are, maybe there's a big furrball in their field of vision.