Hello, my name is Kathy and I'm addicted to blog. It started small--at first, I'd visit Atrios, Washington Monthly, maybe DailyKos--for no more than a few minutes each day. A habit, but manageable. Then I found Booksquare (blog cleverly disguised as market research!) and one more didn't set off any warning bells. Local blog--NewMexiKen and DFNM--kept me in touch with the community--a good thing. Then I started dabbling in hardcore Euro/urban blog--Sadly, No! and Wolcott. From there it was on to the Kos Diaries, cheap blog available on any street corner. Looking back, I was out of control at that point, but no one tried to stop me.
I tried mainstream blog--Keith Olbermann, David Corn, but that was too tame, and I soon slunk back to the sleazy corners of AmericaBlog and Roger Ailes.
Now, I read blog from anywhere--it's amazing where links can take you. I recently spent a whole day mainlining Bérubé--all I remember is a purple, hazy glow. Another rainy afternoon I inhaled some WhyJerryWhy I'd scored from Booksquare, giggling hysterically at a description of a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang performance. (Bang Bang Blog--sweet!) I tried Crooked Timber and Oxblog back-to-back--but the tracks started to itch, so I stopped. Yesterday, I got hopped up on Fafblog, then became a disciple of Jesus.
I even journeyed to the mean streets of the comments sections, clicked on IDs for links--I clearly had a problem, but friends and family just looked the other way, not noticing the dilated eyes, the dying houseplants, the sickly smell of blog addiction.
It's hard living this way. Away from my iBook (running Enabler, 1.0), I get antsy. Its pulsing, glowing light calls to me from across the room--what if someone posts while I shower? I can't even go to the eye doctor without wondering, can I blog in the waiting room? Maybe a quick blog in the car...
I tried to distract myself. I opened up a book, a tome on British history, and wondered, why is this post so long? Can I click out of here? And where's the snark? Can't anyone think of a clever way to describe William the Conqueror? I mean, Daily Kossacks would be all over that guy! ("Check out these websites registered to this 'Conqueror' guy--'Swordsforhire.com' and 'SexyNormans4m'.")
I go outdoors, desperate to break my habit, and realize I should have checked the weather blog first.
I don't eat anymore--who needs food, when there's Foodies? I'm rocking a lot more, though, and that counts as exercise, I read on Kevin Drum's blog.
I need help, but even more, I need a faster connection.
Or a blog for addicts like me.