About Wednesday Food Blogging

  • Why Wednesday?
    On my main blog, I devoted Wednesday to posting food news and recipes, just like your local paper publishes food-related articles on Wednesday. But here you'll find food-related content posted on any day of the week.
  • What's your main blog?
    It's called What Do I Know? and in it I talk about my life here in England.
  • Recipe index
    Here you'll find over 100 recipes previously posted at WDIK.
  • Who are you, anyway?
    An American, living and eating in Britain. You can read more here.
  • So are you vegan?
    I try hard to be. There are still a few trace elements in my diet, I still wear wool, and when I eat out, I don't always ask if there's butter or egg in the pasta.
  • Where are the cows?
    Right here!

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