Last week I brought news of felony cheese making. This week, it's pickle assaults.
The Jones Soda Experiment. Proving that people with too much time on their hands should never be allowed internet access.
The Jones Soda Company's Christmas (and Chanukah) pack. Proving that imagination is wasted on soda company developers.
Silicon Veggie (now, there's an image!) talks about expectations and dining experiences, and how she got a good meal at a Chicago steakhouse and ended up walking out of an "ethical" eatery.
In the "solutions to problems I didn't know I had" department: RealAge on how to wrestle seeds out of pomegranates without getting red juice all over yourself.
Your FBI at work: Following the falafel trail to root out terrorists. (In fairness, the head of their criminal investigations division decided to can the program. Thank goodness saner heads prevail, at least sometimes.)
What to eat: Onions.
What not to eat: Fish.
Urban Vegan's Autumn Express: 101 simple vegan meals ready in 10 minutes or less. All of them look fall-ishly fantastic. (But you try that Sh*t on a Shingle with your kids, let me know how it goes.)
I'm starting a campaign to get these people to come over here and open a vegan restaurant. It'd be a smash, especially with dishes like this and this and this. And this. See? The menu's already done.
Finally, on to local news: Why is that Tesco were able to open a shop in Los Angeles without incident, yet they are taking ten years to complete the one in my town, and along the way collapse a train tunnel, shut down our local train station for 51 days, create an environmental nightmare, and turn little old ladies into jeering protesters? All the while costing the company £35 million.